Collection > New Age Soap
Our New Age Soaps bring
you the symbols and messages of the worlds religious traditions. Whether
you are looking for a gift for another or simply a gift for yourself these soaps
each bring their own message to you.
Perfect for a massage therapist, reiki practitioner, or a spiritual friend.
Chose from symbols including the Healers hand, Om, Yin Yang, Paw Yin Yang, Reiki
Kanji, Ankh, Triple Crescent, Star of David, Peace Symbol or the words Meditation
and Namaste. Individually handcrafted from our famous high quality goat milk
soap and lightly scented with a milk & honey fragrance, these are sure to be a
wonderful gift for yourself or another. New symbols and messages are added
as requested. The words are embedded into the bar of
soap and will last for the life of the soap then dissolve.